This blog is an accompaniment to others already here allegedly exposing others in UK Nationalism as State Operatives, Agent Provocateurs, Grasses, Wrong Un's or whatever the state want to sling in among the pigeons via their various stooges and plants.

These people are only here to destroy nationalism and detract us from the duties we all should be engaged in. Instead we turn our attentions towards those of our own and scrutinize them whilst allowing the opposition to sit and laugh at us and establish themselves without hinderence as we fight among each other or engage in long drawn out slagging matches.

We will add our bit here over the next month and then close the matter, we won't drag it out.

Add your experiences with Kevin Watmough or his present associates engaged in a smear campaign not only vehemently and consistantly attacking Tony White but others who have done their bit to support British Nationalism over many years.

Tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

And those that know the truth but remain silent are as bad as those that speak only lies.

1 comment:

  1. Had some dealings with Watters some years ago. He has never been taken seriously and when Whitey used to be pulled up on why he entertained him he would stick by him no matter what was said. Watterses old mates from Bramley all think he's a joke when he was on tv a few years back and we saw the shit about him being the big thug we laughed and at that some point some were interested in the White Power scene but decided not to be bothered if this was the type of people hailed as its big boys. I heard about Watters stood bawling his eyes out at the Villager after he started some bother with Smithy and some Bramley lads. And it was his chum Whitey then that had to bail him out again. These are the reasons when Whitey would rant about politics and reds we never got that involved. Kevs a coward and hypocrite who slags off drugs yet has taken every drug on offer. Wanker get rid of him and you'll be taken more seriously.
